How to

How to Add a Friend in Discord


Discord is a great communication platform that’s designed for gamers. Support for text, voice, and video communications makes Discord particularly flexible and suitable for every type of communication.

Source: Arstechnica

The main way that a lot of people communicate in Discord is through servers. Discord servers allow many people to communicate in an open or invite-only platform. Many people also like to communicate privately through “Direct Messages” aka DMs. DMs can be either one to one or set up as a group message.

When Discord opens though, it defaults to opening the “Friends” screen. Being friends with someone in Discord allows you to easily see them and what games they’re playing, assuming that they have Discord set to report their game activity.

If you’re using discord you aren’t using it to be on your own. It’s a platform for gamers and other communities to chat and make lasting friendships, no matter where they are in the world.

How to add people on Discord on a computer 

1. Open Discord and go into the server to which you want to add users.

Source: Support.Discord

2. Click the server name to open the drop-down menu.

3. Select “Invite People.”

4. Copy the link and send it to those who you would like to invite to join the server.

If you aren’t sure if the recipient will be able to get to the link within 24 hours, be sure to also check the box that says “Set this link to never expire” at the bottom so that the link won’t expire.

How to add people on Discord on a mobile device

1. Open the Discord app on your phone and navigate to the desired server by selecting it in the sidebar.

2. Tap “Invite Members.”

source: Support.Discord

3. If desired, click the gear icon next to the link and change the default settings and select “Create Link.”

4. Tap “Share Link” to choose a mobile sharing option or copy and paste the link as depicted below.

Building a Discord Community With Friends

If you like Discord, then adding friends to your account is just one way to build a community of people you like to chat and play with. You can take things a step further by adding a bot to your Discord server, with support for extra moderation, fun games, shared music playback, and more.

A Discord server is for all its members, but if you’re the owner or administrator, you may want to pin important messages in Discord to make sure they get read. These might include announcements or rules for other users to follow.

Discord is one of the most popular communication mediums mainly geared toward gamers. It allows for a wide range of communication options. You can voice call a large group of people in a server, video call, share your screen, and so much more. All of these options are available in both public servers and private DM’s.

The one thing that I always hear from people is that they don’t understand how to use Discord, or they don’t think they can get it on their device. I’m here to tell you that most devices do support Discord in one way or another. Your Discord dashboard can be accessed through a web browser as well. There’s nothing stopping you from using this amazing service to chat with others in communities that pique your interest.

Discord also has an app in google play for those who have Chromebooks or Samsung devices. You can download Discord from anywhere practically. And if your device doesn’t support a discord application, you can always just use the browser version.


1.  Are all discord codes four digits?

Yes, they are.

2.  Do I need a person’s discord name and four digits, or do I just need the digits?

You will need both.

3. Can I add Poke the YouTuber?

Unless you have Poke’s Discord tag and code, you cannot add him, sorry.

4. Is there a way to find someone’s code without knowing their tag?

No, there is no way to do that. You have to get name and tag.

5. Why do we have tags on Discord?

Users on Discord have tags so multiple people can share a username. For example, there can be a wikihow#0001, wikihow#0002, etc.

6.  How come when I try to add my friend, it says “Hm, didn’t work. Double check capitalization, spacing, any spaces, and numbers are correct”?

Make sure you typed the username and 4-digit Discord tag correctly. They have to be exact, or it won’t work.

7. How do I find out my friend’s tag?

You will need to ask your friend to give it to you in order to send a request.

8. Does a Discord tag need any spaces?

If there are spaces in the person’s username, then you’ll need them. However, there’s no space between the username and the hashtag.

9. What about someone who has an emoji in their name? I’ve been trying to re-add a friend for a while now, but it won’t let me use Rose emotes; just the text for the emote. Which it won’t accept.

You may need to copy and paste the unicode version of the emoji in order to get it to work. There are several sites where you can get the emojis, just search “unicode (whatever emoji you’re trying to get)”. If you can, ask the person to add you first, since it might be easier.

10. How can I see if there is a friend request for me?

Go to the home page and click “Pending” from the menu at the top. If anyone has sent you a friend request, it will appear here.


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