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How to see your liked posts on INSTAGRAM ?


Instagram is one of the most popular social media platforms in the world. As Instagram users, we always want to receive likes, comments, views, and all other kinds of engagement. However, sometimes we look back and have a look at ourselves. We wonder how does our profile look and what kind of image our profile has. Yet, there is something beyond it, seeing what we have liked on Instagram. So, how can you see what you liked on Instagram?

Source: Amazelaw

Likes on Instagram aren’t just a way of giving props to someone for a post, they’re also a record of what captures a user’s imagination. Whether that’s because a post is beautiful, funny, educational, or something else, it can be enjoyable — and, indeed, useful — for a user to look back at the posts they’ve liked. However, Instagram doesn’t make that as easy as it might and users could easily think the option to do so simply isn’t available.

Likes have, of course, been a central feature of Instagram since it launched as a simple photo-sharing app in 2010. In addition to giving users a way to show their appreciation of posts by others, they provide a measure of how many people have liked a post. This metric is one way that brands and influencers determine the success of their activity on the platform. Instagram is considering hiding like counts from public view so as to put more of a focus on the content itself and to create a less pressurized environment that is less likely to cause anxiety about collecting likes, but this won’t remove the ability for users to like posts if it happens.

Instagram has released an update on seeing the Instagram posts you’ve liked. In the previous version of the app, you could see what you have liked automatically. Instagram informed you about what kind of photo or video you have liked in terms of hashtags. Sure it was a nice way to see recent likes on Instagram. However, now you can do it manually but with better and easier data.

Where to Look for Your Most Recently Liked Instagram Posts

To find your recently liked posts on Instagram, follow these steps:

1) Open your Instagram app on mobile and go to your profile.

2) Then tap on the three-lined button to go to options.

3) Now tap on Settings at the bottom of the page.

4) When you are in the settings, select ‘Account’ from the list.

5) On the next page, you can see the ‘Posts you’ve liked’ option. Tap on it, and you will see the posts on Instagram that you have liked.

In this section, you can view the posts you have liked. Just like your basic feed, you can tap posts to view them in detail. However, you can see up to 300 recent posts that you have liked. If you are a very active user of Instagram and like too many posts in a day, you may be disappointed a little bit.

The another way of seeing the post!!!

The ease with its possible to like posts on Instagram, the difficulty for users to view the posts they’ve liked, and the limit on how many of the likes they’ve given a user can look back at show that the functionality is intended more for users to liberally show appreciation rather than to revisit posts. For the times that a user wants to look back at something they have liked, though, it’s handy that there is an option to do so, even if it is tucked away.

Instagram does have a separate option specifically for saving posts, which it rolled out in 2016. The icon, which looks like a bookmark, is located below posts on the right, set apart from the like, comment, and share icons on the left. Tapping it will save a post while tapping and holding the icon allows users to save a post to a specific collection. No-one else can see if a user has saved a post and users can view their saved posts by navigating to their profile and tapping ‘Saved.’ There is no limit to how many posts users can save.

Limitations to Revisiting Liked Posts

According to Instagram, you’ll only be able to see the 300 most recent posts (photos and videos) that you’ve liked. That’s still a lot, but if you’re an Instagram power user who likes hundreds of posts a day, or if you feel the need to look for something you liked several weeks ago, you may be out of luck.

Liked posts are only displayed if you liked them using the Instagram mobile app or on the web. However, you can only see liked posts in the app. It’s unclear if any posts you liked through a third-party Instagram app like Iconosquare show up, but if it doesn’t work for Instagram’s own web platform, it’s likely that it won’t work for third-party apps either.

Lastly, if you commented on a photo or video but didn’t also like it, there’s no way to find it again if you lose it. You’ll only be able to see posts you’ve liked by tapping the heart button (or double-tapping the post) in the “Posts You’ve Liked” section of your profile settings—not posts you’ve commented on only. So if you want to be able to revisit a post later, make sure you hit that heart button, even if your main intention is to leave a comment.

Why Is Viewing What You’ve Liked Important?

It is good to know what you have been liking on Instagram. You can see the recommended profiles or pages that Instagram shows you. If you think those recommendations are a bit out of place, you can see your like history and try to relate it with the recommendations. If you wanted to check the post you have liked, but you cannot find it on your feed, you can find it here and see what you were missing. Another good part of viewing your like history is to be able to see the newly added comments on the posts you have liked. You can also use this way to add a comment to the posts if you haven’t got the chance for the first time.


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